Sunday, March 9, 2014

I ate salad!! (3-9-2014)

Good afternoon or night I guess, how was Daylight savings?? We don’t have that here but I hope you’re all enjoying it ;)

This week was a normal week, we had the opportunity to have a family home evening at a members house last monday, an investigator family attended so that was really cool their kids were friends after all and I think they all really enjoyed it. District meeting was on Tuesday and we were all reminded to become more consecrated missionaries. There is no point to serving a mission if you’re going to waste your thoughts on home the whole time you’re out. After district meeting all I wanted to do was read this talk and LIVE every word of it, I know that I am not here to waste the Lord’s time and He’s got a time table to complete, if we are not ready, he will find someone else! How much that hurts.

 I heard a story of an old man who was baptized in his 60s and by that time was not able to read so by the time he received his Patriarchal blessing, the elders that had baptized him were requested to read it to this old man, in his Patriarchal Blessing it had mentioned that he was supposed to become a member 40 years ago but the missionary who was supposed to baptize him did not end up serving a mission. So after all, he was baptized at an older age in his life. I know that now is the right time for us to serve missions, THIS LORD NEEDS missionaries and he needs prepared ones!

Saturday we had work in the morning and had lunch at an investigators house.. I had SALAD.. green leafy, fresh Salad,  for the second time since the MTC! It was so good!  And later that night was the Balanga Stake conference Adult session! It was really uplifting and they invited the youth 12 and up because they said that everyone is a missionary no matter how old you are, we all have responsibilities that we need to fulfill! Then the Sunday session was even better and we had 4 investigators come with us, I loved it!! We were reminded to always have family prayer and scripture study and how important it is to have the spirit in our homes. The spirit was so strong at both meetings and our 2 investigators were able to be interviewed for the baptism next satruday, we are so excited for them!! I had better run but  have a great week

Love, Sister Rossberg

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