Monday, November 18, 2013

The Lord Will Still Deliver Us

My heart has been in the Philippines these last few weeks.  I hate to hear of all the people hurting so much in Tachloban and the surrounding areas.  The stories and pictures that I have seen are so sad.  I was so relieved to read in the Deseret News that all 204 missionaries serving in the Tacloban mission were accounted for and have been safely moved out of the city.  I can't imagine how relieved their families were to also hear that news.  15 of those missionaries have joined Sister Rossberg in the zones and areas of her mission.  

When there are great and terrible things going on in the world, it is easy to get caught up in the devastation and despair.  But hearing so many, as Abbi calls them, "faith-filled stories" because of these same disasters, we also see the hand of the Lord protecting his children.  Sister Rossberg reminds us that He is constantly looking after us because He loves us.  
"We can really see that the Lord protects and guides His faithful servants and sometimes He sends things like a disaster to wake us up and remind us that He is there and only through Him can we truly be saved from all our problems!"
Thank you Sister Rossberg for your constant inspiration and reminders.  Yet another miraculous blessing of your missionary service.


Since most of the missionaries in the Tachloban Mission were uprooted so abruptly, they have a large need of basic supplies. I am so grateful to be connected to a group on Facebook who, through Abbi's mission president, has been given a list of essential items that they are in need of. Things like flashlights, first aid kits, sunscreen, batteries, ect these supplies are things that would be best to purchase in the U.S. and sent directly to the Philippines Olongapo Mission. If you are willing to help, let me know and I can get you more details.

Hello everyone, thank you for your thoughts and prayers to those who have been affected by the tragedies in Tocloban Philippines.  The Tocloban Mission is being closed is what I have heard at least; and I'm sure you all know more about all of that than we do because the lack of connection to the world we have. But it's great and there are 15 missionaries from the Tocloban mission that got here this last week that will be joining our zones and areas and I can't be more excited to help them and learn from them.

I have heard so many faith-filled stories from missionaries and their families all over because of this natural disaster. We can really see that the Lord protects and guides His faithful servants and sometimes He sends things like a disaster to wake us up and remind us that He is there and only through Him can we truly be saved from all our problems! Just like in Alma 60:20-21,23.  I love the chastisement I guess you could say from Moroni to his enemy.  And it is a good reminder that the Lord does not forget us; and all He has to do is send us a problem and we will remember Him pretty quick.  

I am so grateful for the miracles and love the Lord has for His children.  I love you and I love being a missionary for our Savior.  Keep up your work in helping the missionaries in your area too, they need you!  Love you.  Have a great week!

Sister Rossberg

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